
Showing posts from August, 2015

Empty Space and Magic

Empty Space and Magic. Remember that, in the quantum realm, ‘empty’ space isn’t empty. Down at this sub-sub-microscopic level, it is in constant turmoil, with pairs of particles and their corresponding antiparticles continually popping into existence before rapidly recombining and vanishing.  This means, that if you 'add' a tiny quantity of energy, and thus destroy antiparticles, you have set into motion a potential.  If this potential be enhanced, via submicroscopic black holes, gravitic influence or even higgs bosun manipulation, the result will be a wave-form.  This wave can take the form of a probability wave, altering the path of quantum level particles in such a way as to affect a change in any outcome.  The more skill, and power, the practitioner possesses/exerts, the greater the alteration in probability.  If we subscribe to the, as yet unproven, theory of strings, we can think of magic as a kind of music, played on the strings of sub-quantum reality. To date, the c