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A fantasy novel.

One Knight, when he became a Baron 1. A Surprising Departure   “A  bad omen,” Gladriel thought, “They’ll say the goart trees are a bad omen.  That’s one more piece of bad luck, this week.”  An early bloom would have to happen on his year to travel to Lackland. As the youngest son of a Baron, his chance to be trained as a Knight, at the Academy there, was an honor, and more, as his mother was an Elf. The Baron, Gideon Samovar, had many wives, but only a single elvish one. Gladriel, was not only the youngest of the children, but was the only half-elf in the Castle, as well. He could imagine the comments about his having used some kind of 'Elven magic' to cause the trees to bloom early.  Suddenly, from somewhere behind him, the young man heard a noise.  Not a normal sound of the forest, but something else. Something not normal.    Gladriel was not so dear, to his father, as to have passed many of his eighteen years at Castle Samovar.  Even as that thought passed throu