A Look at Samovar

This is almost a Fantasy Castle, except that it's real.

 The world of Thoss contains a single desert, named Char, for obvious reasons.
 Along the coast, South of Torvaald and North of Magic Isle, lies Seacliff Home of King Acernon
 There are birds on Thoss large enough to ride, who stay aloft by a combination of wings and magic.  Called Terns, they come in several varieties. As you can see, Lorelei owns one.

 Some of the creatures which resulted from Fifnir's tampering with the genetic codes of various creatures, and mixing some of them, are simply strange. Others fit the description of Monster.
 In Old Home, far to the West, beside the ocean, lies the Library, a place where knowledge best left forgotten may be researched.
 This is about as close to Seana's house as anyone ever gets, she's a bit reclusive, where her home is concerned.
 Thralz make excellent mounts, even though weaker than Warhorses, and slower. Still they are loyal and easier to ride, also, by and large, more intelligent.
Yes, this is Waekahn, the warhorse, the famous steed of Prince Gladriel, of Samovar.

The pictures above are here to give you an idea of the world of Thoss.  They touch on the books, included in the History of Samovar, that I've written, and am writing.  As I work on these writings, my skill seems, to me, to be improving, if that is so, then the third book, just published, should be the best yet.

  I've decided to upgrade each book, as I get more proficient, and republish.  That way, if you didn't like it because of the writing, you might like it later on, for the story.


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